
I need you to be on AIM

The female held onto the knifes that she had taken away from Aeron with all the will power that she could muster. She did not want to admit nor tell anyone what really happened when others were not able to see them.

Aeron was one of the lucky ones; she had seen a small bit of what happened when he was not happy with Charm. Though…of course…everything was Charm’s fault according to him.
The Sawtooth female shook her head, ”I never said you’re stupid Aeron…just implying that maybe you’re overworked.”

She listened to what the she coyote had to say. A dumb struck look came arcoss her face as she looked to her. ”You still love me?” The she Sawtooth wanted to touch her, she wanted to run to her and curl into her. However…she knew that the price of that might mean a broken hand, or even something worst. ”Maybe…maybe my story will be different..” She whispered, hoping that it would be..though she knew in her gut that her life would probably come to an end before he would change his ways.

The next words that came out of her mouth was so sweet, and yet the actions where just as cold as they could be…though that was Aeron, hot and cold. Still suffering from the hell that Io had put her though, Charm lowered her head as she whined softly. ”I hate how you are on then you are off.”It makes it so hard for me to understand what you want.” Charm muttered.


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