We live in a bubble baby

Suddenly, she saw him in a whole different light. This male could be her savior if he wanted to be. He could be her guidance, the golden road that would lead her to a better life. In exchange, she was more than willing to offer him her undying loyalty. He called himself Haku, and that name would forever be engraved in her memory. "Pleasure is mine, Haku. My name's Alexey." She then smiled, almost coyly, before putting her fate in the palm of his hands and giving him complete control over her destiny. "May I follow you home?"

Almost immediately, Lexey regretted the way she had formulated her request. Instead of opting for the normal "May I join?", she had taken the most embarrassing route. What if he thought she wanted something else? The Koios femme attempted to rectify her mistake the best she could, stuttering a little along the way. "I mean, do you think I could join that cute little gang of yours? I know Kol and Desaevio." She felt the need to offer him references, as if it would have an impact on his final decision.


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