[ND] Co-Ranks!
New Dawn Co-Ranks

One thing that sets New Dawn apart from the other packs is its streamlined rank system. But after some consideration, the ND leadership has decided to give members more opportunities not only to rank up but also establish their characters ICly with unique skill sets. Therefore we are glad to announce that by Friday, February 17, New Dawn will introduce Co-ranks to compliment our already established ranking system! Big Grin

Proposed Co-ranks
  • Emissary: Those with the emissary co-rank act as the face of New Dawn when meeting with other pack leaders or delivering messages. They should be well spoken, respectful, and exemplify the ideals that New Dawn holds for its members.
  • Spy: Those with the spy co-rank should be able to blend in with one’s enemies. These wolves should have easily forgettable faces, and should be able to act any part to avoid detection and also be masters of disguise. Various methods of changing appearance and scent masking should be known by spy co-rank holders.
  • Medic: Those with the medic co-rank should have advanced healing and remedy knowledge, beyond simple first aid.
  • Midwife: Those with the mid-wife co-rank should have basic first aid skills but advanced knowledge when it comes to gestation and birthing.
  • Pup-sitter: Those with the pup-sitter co-rank should act as good surrogate parents for the youngsters of the clan when the parents are not available. They should be fun-loving and playful but know when to discipline. They should also have the ability to detect danger and protect the pups accordingly.
  • Hunter: Those with the hunter co-rank should be adept trackers and hunters whether it be through coordinated group hunts or solo hunts. They should have a high kill to loss ratio.
  • Warrior: Those with the warrior co-rank should be adept in both lupus and optime level combat. The use of weapons is also a plus but not necessary.
  • Jester: Those with the jester co-rank posses the ability to discern when others are stressed and be able to dissolve this stress in a myriad of ways whether that be through play, story telling, rough housing, or joking.
  • Create your own!: Does your character have a skill-set that doesn't jive up with any of the other co-ranks? Well than you have the opportunity to create your own custom co-rank! Just send Nat or Nuki a PM explaining your characters unique skills and why you feel you should get your own co-rank and we’ll take it under consideration. Smile


    Don't be! The Co-ranks are extremely simple and are created to boost IC activity in New Dawn! Now that that the pack is established, instead of just milling about the den, members can now learn from or teach each other unique skills that will build camaraderie and versatility.

    Members will have the ability to earn as many co-ranks as they want, regardless of their true rank within the pack! Everyone can now steer their character into whichever skill set they want, and, depending on what co-rank they choose, this can help the leadership to determine which Skill Rank they would most likely be suitable for, upon promotion.

    However, if you do have any questions, don't be afraid to ask them here, we will gladly answer you.

    How do I earn one?

    Well, we're not sure yet, that's why we're hoping you can give us some ideas on what would be appropriate for earning a co-rank. Inferni's system works well, in which members have to fulfill certain IC tasks to earn their co-rank, but we'd love to hear your ideas!

    Let us know what you guys think!


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