March on Soldier
Note: Whoever joins is free to have Lottie be exploring around anywhere XD

She was growing and she was growing fast. Already the Haskel princess was coming into the form that would soon shine with femininity and beauty, her adult fur was beginning to show through pushing out the fluffy fibers of her puppy fur, what grew in its place in patches was soft and silky and flowed about where it did. But she was still only part way there and was still very much a child if albeit a mature child. For her age the girl did not partake in as many childish games as she ought to. Instead she spent her time exploring.

Where she was now was unimportant, all that mattered was that she hadn't actually been here before. The cinnamon and cream girl paused in her wanderings and raised her head from the ground. Only a single ear had decided to raise itself from her head, the sister ear had yet to develop the strength to do so. She looked around her new stomping grounds with veiled interest and her curled over tail flicked idly back and forth. Blue pools observed her surroundings whilst retaining the regal posture of holding one paw off the ground.

Content that the noise she had heard was no threat to her the female continued on her way. The skeletal branches of the upright trees might have been confining to some but Charlotte took a kind of peace from them, they were protecting her from what the sky could throw at her. Thoughts of the sky automatically brought her mind onto Skoll and then Hati, her ever boisterous and somewhat irritating brothers. The twins were always off by themselves and so Charlotte was left to herself a lot of the time thus she had developed a sense of fierce independence despite still being a mama's girl at heart.

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