M-Yours You Say
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Selene was preggo from Hadley? And she comes home all "Hi there. Do you know I has your bebes growing in me?" What a way to shatter the poor guy lol

Selene let the smallest of glares cross her expression as Amy laughed, why would she laugh about this? In the young woman's mind she didn't think of Hadley as a slave, someone to obey her every request. She cared for him, wanted to have him in a mindset that he was special, valued and loved. Quietly the girl stood, afraid to say anything else to the golden female. She hated the laughter, the chiding about what Hadley's life meant. Still she was defiant. She'd much rather speak to Hadlei about things then be wrapped around Amy's finger, easily manipulated. Maybe she created a mess, but Hadley had to care about her the slightest. All those gestures, the hurried retort about going after Amy. They all had to mean something. 

There still was a small flicker of doubt there, was Amy ever this good at controlling others, making them doubt things they shouldn't. It was a bit sinister in the girl's opinion. She held the necklace for Hadley in her palm, before placing it around her neck as if it was for herself. If Amy clued into the real reason she had it, she would most likely never see the trinket again. And it was for someone so important. "Still...I feel...Attached." One hand gripped the pendant quietly, but not nervously. How was she to get away? 

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