Call the knights of the old code

A protective almost shadow that seemed to merge into the gloom, his father disappeared from sight as he ushered her farther and farther into Casa territory. Still the coil of tension didn't unwind, his stomach had formed into a hard ball and then lodged itself somewhere up his throat, making speech almost impossible. To be truthful Lorenzo hadn't really thought much past getting Jazper to accept her into Casa, now that he had he was at a loss as to what to do. The night was their comfort and the stars a twinkling blanket to cover them, hiding them from many a wide eyed stare.

There was no water nearby warm enough to bathe away the blood and grime with, himself he didn't mind taking a quick dip in the freezing river to wash away his sins but Juliet would need better than that. Clean warm water boiled over an open fire and soft bandages soaked in pain killing salve. Unfortunately he didn't know how to make medicinal items to cure her injuries but he could at least provide warm water. It would be a question of whether or nnot she would want to stay in his room alone with him. She had been through a lot of trauma, even now she still shook from her fear, he could see and smell that much.

He cleared his throat somewhat awkwardly, now that the adrenalin was draining away it left his social dysfunction out for display.

"Ahh can 'eat sam water fer yahself back in tha' Fort. Yah can clean up thar, if yah ar' wantin'." His voice was now quiet, almost hushed, loud noises might scare her even more. He didn't want her to feel scared around him, she would never have anything to fear from him. It was almost the same feeling that drove him to protect his sister and mother, almost but different in a fundamental way, a way he was not yet familiar with identifying.

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