[html]occ : yikes! working for a straight week takes a bit out of you. ;( if myri is going to talk about her house think of that hobbits house in the shire that is built into the hillside. Tongue hope the slight pp is okay!

As the other woman asked her about building her home, pure joy erupted over the youths tapered face. " Well yes, more like dig it out. I would like to dig two or three rooms out of the side of the hillside I located near the Dampwoods. Thats why I need to wait for the spring rains to pass, I'm not sure how successful I will be with mud. " She giggled out. Now they were at Myrika's home, announced very loudly by her two horses greeting each other. Soon after the tack was hung up they entered the rust-furred womans home.

" Wow! I really like it! " She exclaimed excitedly as she was shown the innards of the home. Everything was neat and organized, she supposed it fit the other woman. Myrika did indeed look like the type to keep everything in order. Following the other into the other room, Emma gasped. An ear flicked back to hear Myrika's nervous words and Emma turned to face her, placing her hands on the others arm gently and flashing a reassuring smile to her host. Turning back she entered the room quietly and look around, her eyes wide. There was tools and leather and other such things you might find in a workshop.

It was all so much, but the silver-streaked coywolf knew she had come to the right place and found the right person to teach her. " You are so lucky to have all of this. I hope to make my own workshop in one of the rooms of my future home. " Facing Myrika again, she caught the others gaze and smiled. " I know I am asking so much of you, but maybe if you have nothing to do in the summer you might like to help me? " She asked, rather timidly for one with such an exuberant personality. The silver and russet streaked woman felt bad, she had asked so much of the other already.


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