i'm trying to welcome this change
Sorry for the wait. I'm glad we're having another one together. :][html]

Pilot let the water drip from his hands to join the rest of the stream. The babbling noise of the running current made him feel this sense of serenity, especially with the soft pastels painting the dawn sky. He took in a deep breath of air, still trying to wake his body for the day. It was the middle of the month, which meant that Tayui and Pilot would evaluate ranks soon. Hopefully they would see some of the wolves rise beyond Periokoi.

He turned his head and now noticed the white form of another wolf tucked beside a tree. He smiled to himself, and rose to his feet, wiping his palms dry on his thighs. "Urma!" He called to her, glad to see that Shadowed Sun’s newest member had decided to stick around. After waking to find himself alone in the den, he was curious to see if maybe she had decided Shadowed Sun wasn’t the place for her. "Good morning," he offered, as he made his way closer to her and the tree trunk. She looked a bit tired, and perhaps not as rested as Pilot felt. Then again, he had been so exhausted that probably a herd of moose running over the den wouldn’t have waken him.


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