i'm trying to welcome this change

"Of course," Pilot told her, as they headed of in that direction. He was quite happy with his decision to place his den where he had. It stood just at the edge of the trees, with plenty of room for his garden, and then this river wasn’t too far for him to get fresh water. If he had still done a lot of cooking, the river would offer plenty of fish. But ever since the fire, Pilot hadn’t gone fishing or even though about starting a fire to cook meals. He supposed it was his subconscious still worried about causing such an inferno again.

He raised a hand, pointing out the different areas. "So this is the woods I was talking about." The two had just crossed into the clearing, and Pilot’s garden was visible just on the other side of the sprawling open field. "There’s this big area to set up whatever, and then," he turned to head towards the stand of trees, "you can find some solitude in here when it comes time for sleep." As he made his way into the tree line, the light was diminished. Instead, it glittered through in ribbons filtered by the tree’s leaves above them.


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