stinging sweetness
So he knew her family, yet she knew nothing of his - not even his name. This seemed unfair to the Anatheman. Was she not meant to be a creature of darkness and the underground, drenched in mystery? But in truth Caprica was never tight-lipped enough to be mysterious for long. She held little back and feared the opinion of none.

But every detail was being withdrawn from her now, by the azure-eyed Dreamer that faced her. Until now, she'd never met another member of this pack. It had been a place of childhood memories, and her father. Now she saw there was depth here, realised that of course, these lands must contain characters of all kinds as all packs do, despite its peaceful and quiet atmosphere. Caprica wanted to explore its depths, so different to Anathema, and the more the mysterious man held back from her, the more she wanted to know. She let her eyes linger at half-mast, shoulder level, chest level, as she advanced a little, so that the movement would not appear threatening. Quite the opposite: her dark lashes slowly lifted, from where they had sheltered her irises for a moment, giving them freedom to roam unnoticed. Not threatening, but enticing. "Not easy to see at first, I know," she murmured. If there was much of Ehno in her, it was perhaps her smile or some other small details. Caprica was a throwback to a D'Angelo grandsire, for the most part, and had been told so many times. "I don't believe I know your family, though. I think I'd remember if I'd seen any … resemblance … before." She laced her words with the merest admiration. "Who are they? Who are you?" she prompted once more, brushing aside his talk of heading back to the manor. Caprica liked it here: amongst the patient trees, away from the rest of the world. She wanted to look inside the tiny square boxes. But that curiosity would have to wait to be satisfied, for something far more fascinating had yet to reveal his secrets - or even his simplest facts.

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