Just a puppet on a lonely string

"Didn't you offer to keep him company? Or was it the rain that kept you here?" She knew fairly well that most of the wolves she had known were afraid of thunder or lightning or just the general atmosphere, the heavy clouds, the dismal, gray sky. She had never seen anything bad in rain, or in getting her fur wet. Part of her held to the hope that the raindrops would shortly turn into snowflakes. Although by now her paws were more than comfortable with the usual terrain, her heart ached for the deep crisp snows of her former lands. She had no clue how winter was in these lands, but she supposed that with some patience she'd find out. Heavy snowfalls didn't scare her in any way, quite the contrary, they called to her, like some ancestral song.

"I have been out in that weather, yes," she answered, trying to shake the dripping water from her fur. "And you'd be very wise to stay indoors, too. If only for the fact that it's surprisingly cold," she explained patiently. Urma listened to him continue, and nodded once he was done. "Well, if he can trust you it means you're not much of a trouble maker, even in good weather. And I'm Urma, and I'm pleased to meet you, Sirius." She smiled at him, trying to make it as warm as she could, considering the cold had kicked in, at least until her body got used to the temperature inside the den. She looked at her paws, all wet and scratched and scarred, but it wasn't as if she paid any attention to that. She was thinking if Pilot was alright. Wherever he had gone.


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