A hollow little game//And you've won it
Here's ya are.

Oh, why'd you have to be so cute?

It was bright and sunny today, a real contrast from the weather that they had been getting lately. The large white female stretched out, putting her paws wayyy out in front of her and her rear in the air. Her back had been feeling a lot better now that she was back to sleeping inside the house, on a bed. She'd been raised sleeping on the ground, in caves and dens, but the beds that they had inside the manor were so confortable that she wasn't used to the rougher conditions outside.

Naniko yawned, her tongue lolling out of her mouth for a moment before she snapped it back shut. She'd been feeling a little tired lately, but overall had been sleeping fairly well. Now that she was up for the day, (it was late morning), she was beginning to realize how hungry she was. Her stomach growled at her as she rose to a standing position, all four legs feeling properly stretched. She started out toward the woods, going in the direction of the lake. Most animals used the lake as a watering hole, so if she waited long enough around there something tasty would show up eventually.


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