A hollow little game//And you've won it

Oh, why'd you have to be so cute?

Naniko considered herself to be a skilled hunter, and today she was planning on refilling the cache in the basement. Apollo couldn't really hunt for himself, so he usually got food from there when he was hungry if there wasn't anything fresh. She would try and get a few squirrels, maybe a rabbit, too. She wasn't sure if he had a preference or not, so she'd get a variety.

The white wolf had always lived on land, had never gone over the sea on a ship. She'd moved from pack to pack, and had eventually ended up starting Twilight Vale with her mate. This seemed like the perfect life. And with any luck, there would be some little ones running around pretty soon.

She turned at the rustle in the leaves behind her, green eyes widening. She still had the fear that the coyotes might come to Twilight Vale, though she knew that her pack was now large enough to take them. So far Gabriel was keeping his word...which was strange. When she realized that it wasn't a coyote, that it was another white female like herself, though, her tail gave a light wag. "Hello there"


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