Come so far, only to fall so far


His words didn’t have the intended effect; he had wished they would have lightened her burden and may have brought a soft smile to her lips, but it was too wishful to think that. Sullen blues gazed up at her and her shivering form, his own fur was built for this weather but he was maybe ignorant to her own fur patterns or if she was susceptible to the cold or more so than he would have realized. Again he patted the horse before turning to the building he used as his shop. A fire could be built rather easily and he did have some alcohol there stored for a rainy day fund, and today seemed about as dark and rainy as the name sake derived.

“Would you like to join me in my shop? I could build a fire easy enough, with your help,” he pointed to his injured shoulder with a smirk trying to lighten the mood. “And I have a couple of bottles of whiskey I pilfered from town, seems much more fitting for the occasion than something as joyful as wine.” He remarked quietly. He really didn’t leave much of it up for debate, she was a distraction from his own problems, and he could easily put himself to work trying to help someone else than trying to fix himself.

“I insist on it really, I don’t get to socialize with a lot of the pack as much as I’d like and I could use the company.” He never operated as if he was currently the lowest ranked wolf in the pack alongside Jace, as much as the demotion had shamed him he acted as he always did, uncaring of rank and more caring of the respect he held for the individual. His form started it’s slow walk back to the building, the crippled man in so many ways finding a comforting swell in him from having someone to talk to.

Image courtesy of Frau Böb@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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