M-No Avoidance
Bana güven, Levent Kartal. Bu iblisler göreceksiniz.


She made him hate. She made him lust. There was no end to the ways this bitch could toy with his emotions, and as intoxicated by the wine as he was, Levent could really care less. Only his smarting wrist reminded him how easily she could invoke his anger toward her, his indignation that began from the moment she sank her teeth into his shoulder. One of these days—when he was stronger, perhaps—she would have to be very careful. He was no assassin, trained to deal death at a moment’s notice, but with time he would find what he was looking for. Perhaps then he would play the role of master, and she would have to answer to his whims.

Perhaps he would kill her. The thought made him lick his lips, but he knew it would never happen for as long as he was mortal.

She offered him a poultice and wrap, and he spared her what might have been a grateful smile had they not been teetering on the balance of death and drunkenness. Instead, it was more of a sloppily sinister flash of teeth. He managed somehow to catch the roll of gauze and medicinal paste and bandaged his wrist as tight as he dared, the affects of the medicine already soothing some of the pain.

His blue eyes flicked with interest to her blonde form as she moved, and Levent dared to guffaw as she tripped. His laugh was crushed between formidable jaws as he looked up sharply to see that she’d let the throwing knife fly anyway, sending it toward the coyote youth—who snatched it in his teeth, much to Amy’s chagrin.

“You didn’t tie his head,” Levent pointed out, his posture dominant to match hers. His eyes fell to her blouse, and he flicked his ears with an almost casual smile. “You should’ve known he could move, so strip.” Cockily, he sent another knife at the slave—although this one did miss as the coyote flattened his ears so the tip of one would not be impaled.

He snorted, but to show he was a good sport, he reached up to unwrap the colored cloth. He shook his hair messily around his face and offered her another grin, this one a shade less dark than the others. Despite the demon-hunger that had began this game, the man was just that—a mortal man—and quite enjoying himself.

Ama cennete ulaşmak için cehennemin içinden yürümek gerekir.

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