[m]You give up your soul til you break down
She had a seductive tone in her voice and he felt himself begin to stir despite his sudden reluctance to try to sire pups. He grinned crookedly, hoping she wouldn't notice the sudden reluctance in his heart. he let the pants fall, his eyes watching the bone shard and the razor knife join the black denim on the ground. His gaze darted back to his blue eyed angel and he lunged at her, wrapping his arms around her. He then pulled her back, flopping into the water he had recently left. The natural currents had pulled away the trace evidence of his self injury, leaving only the couple in the water.

He guffawed at the look on his mate's face as they surfaced. He was kind enough to make certain he was on bottom when they met the water, just to be certain she wasn't hurt by any submerged rock. He kissed her as he laughed. "Now's as good a time as any, eh kiddo?" His eyes glittered with laughter, though there was a flatness to them that -for those who knew such things- gave a hint as to the actual nature of the male holding the woman.

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