M-I wish I were a saint

Rambling....wonder why...you slave driver.

The calico female held a hand under the knife where it entered into her arm; it was a burning searing pain. The female sat there, looking at her lap, with the hand that had the knife in the shoulder laying there in her lap. She understood ever single word that the male had spoke, insulting Aeron, and then tell Charm in a few choice words that she was not fit to even breath. She knew he was going to go right back to her Aunt and tell her…more so tattle on her that her beloved little Charm was not walking the path that she should being the leader’s blood. Charm knew that would mean a permit exile in her Aunt lands. ”I love you too…Always have…” Charm whispered softly watching the coyote female turn into a hell’s spawned warrior with a madness for the blood of the brown wolf male. Charm closed her eyes as she heard the snarls of the brown male.

The male had turned his back on her, she was worthless, and that stupid coyote had tainted Charm, she would have been a wonderful mother, and a wonderful mate. Till that coyote came in the picture.
The pain hit him as the female had stabbed him right on top of his shoulder; a pain shot though his arm, making it now a limb, blunt force weapon. The male swung around using his arm as a club trying to knock down the she coyote. ”You killed her. You killed her children. If you would have never came around she would have never cheated on me with another male.” The male deaf voice was flat. He believed every single word that he spoke.


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