The Last Supper

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Sirius by Nat

The drifted in, wastrels from the sea of fog that lingered beyond the circle of flames. Dark shapes that took form, that when born into the light became those he knew - The Family of the Thistle King. Larkspur and Salvia were the first to arrive, and his eyes glittered with pride at the feral young woman tailed by the dark four-legged shape of her slave. As always, her form seemed drawn towards him, and in a strange dance of ritual and adoration she neared enough to whisper words within his waiting ear, before melting back to the hulking side of her sire. Sirius' venomous eyes followed her, their deadly depths glowing thoughtfully. Foals were excellent news - They boded well for the coming spring. For some time, Salsola had seemed destined to an eternal winter, as the icy grip of Halifax strangled all that stood in it's shadow. But the end to the long cold darkness was drawing nearer, and such health within their livestock was a promising sign.

More came - The young girl and her older companion, each flushed with the presence of the other, their nearness filled with emotional weight. Sirius knew of their news, but he left such things to Eris, for she was a master over the ways of the heart and the soul. Magic and love;they eluded him, and always would, for he was a creature of the black soil and the real terrors of the night. One entered now. The dark witch was garbed in her otherworldly apparel, the exotic flavor of her appearance stirring thrills of wariness deep within the veins of the King. He trusted her art less than that of his Auxiliary, for Eris, at least, seemed well enough under his own spell to be controlled.

A scent curled about his black nose, and the King's attention moved from one dangerous woman to the next. The smell was one he knew well, and it tugged at an old heat deep within his belly. Dark pupils narrowed, and black lips twitched - Small signs to show that her message, intentional or not, had been received. The monarch allowed his gaze to feast on her succulent form only a moment longer, before control allowed him to lift his eyes free of the womanly curves they sought.

More came - Two golden forms, each gazed on with disfavor. Itachi held his attention only briefly, and a slight weight to the King's brow showed that the man had much ground yet to make in regaining the favor of his master. However, his presence seemed to dissuade the King's immediate annoyance; Acidic gaze glanced quickly about for an accompanying silver form, but found none. A note of this was stored away, to be retrieved and mulled over at a later date. Sharp olive moved over to the second golden form, smaller and more angular than the last, but rather than fix on the presence of the woman his gaze continued to slide over and past her, like liquid, as though she was not really there.

He waited a while more, allowing the small chatter to swell and ebb, allowing for each member to settle at the place the table dictated was theirs. The long wooden logs were brimming with food, cooked rare and blue. The scent of it was enough to pool his mouth with saliva, but there were pressing matters to be dealt with before the feast could begin.

One palm was lifted into the air, and Sirius waited a few beats for silence to fall. When he was satisfied with the amount of attention given, the monarch cleared his throat softly and began to speak, deep caramel voice oozing out above the silent viewers and the gentle crackling of the flames. "My beloved family, we come again to this place, and again, I've news to share with you," His tenor tones filled the circle, heavy with importance. Both hands rose to gesture to all those seated - In doing so, the bandage on his right fore-arm was again revealed, it's off-white hue blotted with a seepage of blood. "As undoubtedly you are all aware, our might was challenged at the time of the waning moon. Intruders came, and sought to take from us our way of life, our existence," His black lips peeled back in a snarl, yellowed teeth glittering with strings of saliva as true anger resonated in the man's tone. Suddenly, the snarl became a smile - Equally as wicked, equally as terrifying. "But they stood no chance against our strength. Against the wrath of the Family, they fell. And in their downfall, we must acknowledge the bravery and value of our brethren. This day, I praise the following: Isabella, now Family! Imhotep, now Family! Miqui, now Confidant! Odessa, now Confidant! And Salvia," His gaze glittered with a fierce pride at the young woman, "Now Arbiter!"

His voice rang clear and strong, the smile still cutting a sharp wickedness into handsomely dark features. He took a deep breath, allowing for silence to fall once more, before continuing. "And yet, the blessings continue. With the expansion of the barn and stables, we now have room for new livestock. I have been made aware that many of the horses have produced healthy offspring, as will the sheep. Our land has provided us with bounty once more, my Family - Winter is almost at an end!" Although they thrived in this harsh season, it would undoubtedly be welcome news to those without wolfish pelts that the cold was approaching it's gradual end.

The king's hands, previously painting gestures in the air as he spoke, fell now to his sides. Acidic eyes turned to gaze keenly at Eris, suggesting that she might now deliver the news she had undoubtedly accumulated. Only once the Auxiliary had spoken would those seated be allowed to sate their famished hungers on the meat provided.

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