[M]Neither This nor That


With Charlemagne safely tucked away back in the stables he had left. Saluce hadn’t made a bee line to his den either, but had rather turned and moved off with Dalgina in tow to make sure she arrived at her parents’ home unharmed and happy. He doubted the little pup was ever sad or unhappy, the way she paraded around the pack and danced around. It had been a stress relieving day all in all for him even if he hadn’t felt the swelling of misery until he had left her to her capable parent’s hands. It didn’t seep in until his nose and eyes pointed back toward the valley and home, or den or whatever it was these days. He had started sleeping there again but the warm atmosphere and love had been drained from it. As much as he had wanted to return to the den, he just now felt more like a prisoner than he did an equal partner.

There was much he had problems with, their relationship had been forged in part due to a battle of supremacy. And again later when her worried mind had misplaced his love for Nayru as something romantic instead of a paternal bond with someone he had mentored. While he may have won those physical battles, she had claimed him mentally with her own wit and power. Saluce really didn’t put much worth in having beaten her twice, knowing they hadn’t been true battles but more of a courtship. But the order of things dictated that if she wanted to rule over him as an alpha instead of his mate she would have to come claim his obedience. The male didn’t want it to be this way, he would have much rather preferred Nayru still being around and their relationship having never had to endure the stress that had come to it lately. And then there was the puppy Dalgina and everything she had reminded him of that he had lost or had never been gifted with having.

With Saul and Nayru gone, along with Gideon, it seemed and rightly so he had done something wrong. Maybe it was selfish of him to think this way but it was just that. And he reasoned there outa be a reason why X’y had never become pregnant, her womb had never become filled with the product of their love and they hadn’t been rewarded with excited eyes, ears, noses, and voices of little ones following their every footstep. It was these thoughts that the grey male carried while he walked, still favoring his right shoulder badly, but glad to be along the earth and capable of getting around more easily than before. And it was this form that he made the trip, from Jace and Temo’s residence to the den site and the object of so much frustration for him. The golden queen he had fallen in love with, and the love that still under it all hid underneath everything, and the longing of seeing a smile on her face once again, or the soft mewing’s or excited yips or even her triumphant howls in the heat of passion. But that may have been just as it was, a memory he wouldn’t get to experience again, if things continued as they were.

He stopped when blues fell upon the female, her sullen mood written plainly across her features without having to spy her depressed golden orbs. Saluce wanted to run up and greet and hopefully stir her out of her depression but there wasn’t anything he felt he could do, not when he was probably the main reason for this.

“Evening X’y” he said quietly as he walked up.

Image courtesy of Frau Böb@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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