We'll be flyin' on the G5
The black male hadn't been feeling well for some time now, between his normal border check the leader was in his den resting, he knew his age wasn't pulling him down that much. The male must have had something that would have made him ill. His sleepy eyes batted at the sounds of Naniko's call. He didn't want to go he shut his eyes and nuzzled his muzzle under the pile of fur. The male wanted to sleep, like always. The howl echoed though his room, it was running though his coat, getting under his skin. The male groaned with a cough and sat up, with a sleepy yawn the male stretched. Looking around, it was dark...just how he kept his room. Ever since Deuce left him and left the room, the male really hadn't found a reason why to keep it looking just so, he had offered up a rather nice and larger sized room to Colibri, for her to rest. He made the choice not to sleep in the same room as her, out of respect. Sitting up the male stubbed down the stairs, to the door the sleepy male walked slowly. Coming outside the male seen what seemed like the whole pack just sitting there, but sadly enough no Deuce, nor no Jasper. Deuce hurt because she had raped the one male he had gathered feelings for, and then Jasper hurt because he knew that because he fraught with the idea that he could love another male, like he did a female. Jasper moved on. Looking around the male laid down on one of the steps, with a yawn he put his head down upon his paws.

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