Protection Mistakes

She frowned as she picked up another jar, looking at the label. She had been taught how to read...but she couldn't read the older female's handwriting. She wanted to get some more bandages and pain medication for Cercelee (she'd heard that her cousin's neck was still bothering her) but the mess inside the herb shed was almost impossible to navigate through.

Ember sighed, picking up another jar. She didn't want to mess up and take the wrong thing...maybe it would be best to go to Naniko and ask her which one was the right one. She knew that the fae couldn't always be around the lands, to tend to each member's individual needs...she had to have a life of her own, apart from all of that. So Ember would get Cercelee's meds.

The dark wolf pulled one final jar out. Behind it was the bandages, neatly stacked. She took one from the top, putting it into her bag and turning to exit.


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