this place is a prison

umg i typed

Sage's body had found the halfway point between waking and sleeping. During these hours when sleep would normally come easily, she found that her body simply wouldn't fold to the normal darkness, the normal tired. With a captive in her home, the coyote was more alert than ever. She was almost not surprised when her large, dark chocolate ears caught the light creak of the front door. It was wooden, like the rest of the small house, and sound traveled readily throughout it. The sounds of the house were sometimes frightening, but right now she was glad for them.

As her top half shot out of the bed and she sat, listening, Sage realized how familiar this situation was. This time, she didn't hesitate, but rushed out the door. The tawny coyote didn't even care that she wasn't even wearing her skirt; this was a matter of her pack's security. Rushing to the door, she shoved it open, not caring what noise it made. Slender head turned this way and that, tossing tangled chunks of hair around in the cool night air. It was pitch black, but her nose helped her. In the time the mohawked girl had been here, Sage had found a unique enough scent on her to be able to track her. Large black nose worked quickly while she yipped for Lennon.

The Salsolan could not have gotten far, and as he came to her Sage reached out a hand for his mane, using his momentum to propel herself quickly onto his back. Amber eyes shone bright in the dark of the night this time; she was prepared. Determined, Sage set off after the woman, knowing she would come upon her soon.

And she did. The girl hadn't been quick enough to get to the stables to steal a horse, but she found her near enough for worry. "HEY!" she shouted, in her most bellowing voice. "You'd better stop!" Lennon skidded to a stop a few feet from the other woman, his large hooves kicking up dust enough to nearly conceal her. Sage vaulted down and ran to her, and grabbed at a pale wrist with each hand to restrain her. Sage's face contorted angrily, unable to understand why this girl would try to escape when the entirety of Ichika no Ho-en wanted her and all of her fellows punished.

"What are you doing?" she panted. "Do you really want the whole pack after you? I'll call them, I will. And they won't be as nice as me." She tilted her head, ready to make that call. Maybe threatening her was the way to go; whatever might keep her here, Sage would try. It was her duty. Her way to prove herself. To whom, though? Father? she thought, feeling the heat creep into her face. They all need me, though, she tried to convince herself. That was right, wasn't it?

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