Learning Consequences
Ayasha could hear and feel and smell the angry mama bear charging after her, close on her heels. She was glad that she was fast but she wasn’t that fast nor did she have the stamina to keep up her pace. Though she could feel something course through her veins, a thing could adrenaline, which somehow kept her ahead of the bear.

Of course even the adrenaline was wearing off and the bear snapped at her feet, barely missing her, as she dived forward to avoid them. Then all the sudden she heard the cawing from the crows and then saw many of them swoop down and attack the bear, which Ayasha took as her cue to get out of the way. She scrambled and headed towards the pups, keeping herself between the two of them and the bear. But the bear quickly left, followed by the crows.

Ayasha heard the Angela’s boy speak and he seemed to want to avoid telling them about what happened. She could only assume that that meant he had done something either bad, stupid, or both. Plus, he had one of her good knives. Ayasha thought of something that would please both parties. ”Hi, my name is Ayasha and that is my knife. Can I have it back?” She did glance at the younger girl and had to wonder whose pup she was. But her introduction to the leader’s son also worked for the red and white girl. She was pretty sure that he was trying to flirt with the little girl and she gave a small smile and a bit of eye roll at his words.

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