Keep this Secret
Ooc. [Words: 337 :: Points: 3]

Axelle Napier
I don't want to touch the sky

I just want to feel that high

Terra seemed really agreeable to her speech, which told Axelle it was a front. She didn’t care- as long as she was heard. Maybe one day something will click in Terra’s mind, and she’ll realize that all the advice she had ever received was true, and should have been followed. Axelle mentally shrugged, and smiled back at Terra. She was truly grateful that her friend shared her knowledge, even if it was a trade skill. Axelle felt that she knew enough about traps now to set the ultimate one, and wait.

As Terra disappeared into the brush, Axelle looked around herself nervously. She made it there safe, by chance, pure luck. How was she going to get out alive? She could follow Terra, but she needed to go the opposite way to get back to Anathema. At least now, she knew what traps looked like when they were hidden. Axelle turned around to face her destination. She carefully stepped on the ground before her. Nothing happened. So, she took another few cautious steps. Still nothing. So, then she just began to walk. Carefully, of course.

Soon, she found herself out of the trap maze that Terra had set up, hopefully solely for learning purposes, and not to trap Axelle indirectly. She only set off one trap in her way through the maze, and narrowly escaped it’s wrath. It was one of the ones that knocked out the victim, and she barely missed the rock as it came tumbling down towards her skull. She was still unaware of how big the maze of traps really was, but as soon as she gained a few miles in distance from where they were, she was sure she was free of the maze. The tension in her muscles slowly dissolved, and she felt that she could walk without caution. She headed back with a steady pace, as she downshifted to Secui. It was lessen the trip’s duration by a lot, and also give her some freedom being on four legs again.

but you refuse to lift me

[ template by revo. <3 ]

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