When you got it, flaunt it
He wasn’t upset about her question and told her that he had gone down to Halifax to see if he could improve on the house. He then caught some prey and brought the pelt back for her. She nodded and asked, ”Can I see it? Or are you going to do something with it first?” Her tone was a little teasing but she wasn’t being to him. She had no idea that it was a wolf or that he had met his father and beat him up.

He then twisted away from her and she pouted slightly, watching as he grabbed some of the meat that he had prepared. He then offered her some and she shook her head. ”Maybe later. I’m not that hungry right now. I mostly want to spend time with you. I’ve missed you.” Even though he had only been gone a few days she still missed him.

She then got a slightly naughty grin on her face as she thought of what she really wanted to do. She pushed him to lay down, straddled him, and put her mouth to his ear saying, ”Though you can satisfy a different hunger, loverboy.” She trailed her hands down his chest tantalizingly. She was pretty sure that he would get what she wanted but ground into him slight to make sure he got the picture.

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