steam rising from the gravel on the road
[html]; background-position: center top; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: top left; width: 420px;">
I am writing graffitti on your body
I am drawing the story of how hard we tried
     The coyote's shyness surrounding her talent was endearing, and might later prove to be entertaining when Poe would come to see her spitfire angles. She smiled warmly to the reply while Nikita maneuvered her instrument into a more comfortable position. It was rare (unheard of by Poe's ears) to see someone skilled and loyal to such a cumbersome instrument--it took a dedication and inconvenience that none of the musicians she had previously met would offer up for their trade. A thought that came without criticism, particularly with the memory of her own poor care of a light little fiddle--only months into her ownership, and it bobbled off overt he horizon (along with her friends and family, more unfortunately) to Europe without her. Responsibility and dedication were not Poe's top skills, and the evident contrast that this coyote presented in an instant was admirable.

     Her attention strayed from the intriguing pair of musician and instrument with a couple of words, and she followed the girl's glance with a nod. "I was pulling up my pirate booty from the ocean floor when a siren's song called me inland," she explained, perfectly serious in tone, and casual in gaze. It was only a small flourish on reality, next to the silliness she often went off on. "Any lesser pirate would have crashed into rocky doom, as the tales go. But you can rest assure that I'm no ordinary pirate," she said with a deep bow, punctuated by a quick quirk of her lips at its depth, further betraying her level tone. When she returned to her (less-than impressive) full height, her eyes were thinned with a smile that did not touch her lips.
oh, no don't close your eyes

Table by Tammi!

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