Tied Together

OOC she is really talkative XD

Hadley hadn’t embarrassed her when he called her beautiful, she just wasn’t used to it. To have someone, that wasn’t her sister, care for her the way Hadley seemed to made her feel like the happiest girl in the world. She never had anyone who she was close to besides Thana and Thanatos but he was family as well.

He seemed surprised when she asked what was so sad about the house. All he said was um before shaking his head, refusing to answer. ”I don’t see it as sad, but happy. The first time I was here, you wanted to look for supplies for repairs. You allowed me to come with because you tripped over me and got mud on my fur.” She chuckled a bit and a soft smile remained on her face as she continued. ”My father’s ghost showed up and you tried to protect me, so there is the happy. And then we..well, you know, but I’m not sure if it’s happy or what. The second time, you came to my rescue and I got to see an old friend. So, again, happy. I see no sadness with the house. The booze was just a bonus. And now, you are here again but this time we are having fun.” A big smile appeared on her face and her tail wagged slightly behind her. Hadley kissed the top of her head and said he would fix up the house. She sat up, surprised. ”You would do that? For me?” She hugged him and kissed his cheek, making sure neither of their brandy spilled. ”Thank you Hadley!”

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