Tied Together
Asked about his time away from the pack Hadley looked up softly. What could he say? He had been searching for the key to the lost time, and hadn't found it. He had learned a lot, and improved his skills. That didn't mean he was satisfied with what had been gained. Enjoyment definitely hadn't been on the list of things for him to find, either. Things are going as well as can be expected. My goal still hasn't been reached. I learned a lot though. That was good. He'd come back better than when he'd left. He hadn't thought about whether or not he was enjoying himself though. Mostly he was just learning.

Lifting the bottle Hadley looked across the room, staring at what appeared to be a dark form. It couldn't be anything too bad. The color was wrong for it to be Amy. The drink settled warmly into his body, giving him courage he wouldn't have had before. Chuckling at Isa's choice of words he turned, eyes moving over her body. She was strong, spunky, and very, very pretty. The short hair suited her, allowing him to see those blue eyes much better than before. I didn't miss you. Too busy working. Now that you're here though, we can get to know each other much better than we did before.

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