she's nothing more than a snake devil
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Her head remained turned away from the mirror as he spoke, and the moderate (and pleased) surprise was painted finely across her features. Inevitably, the latter half of his band's name swung her thoughts around to her ghastly midnight companion, faultering her expression ever so briefly, until he continued to speak. She smiled and lifted her gaze a little, formulating a picture of where and what his Esper Hollow might look like. And with a drifting mind came drifting eyes that finally came to settle on her own reflection before her. Her gaze lingered there with a couple of tilts to her head, only to peel away within a couple of considering seconds, leading her to stroll towards him, while remaining behind the counter.

Two palms were placed on the countertop and with one languid move, she lifted herself up to sit in front of him, stretching her nearest hand to plant itself on his side of the counter, allowing her to lean towards him. "All that effort to track it down, and I've found it looks far better on you," she said with low, silky words and a friendly smirk. She plucked the hat off of her head and stretched her arm up and out to thread it over Laurel's ears and back where it was so evidently suited. Even if he did have a lovely head of hair.

"Jasper de le Poer? Shy blonde kid with floppy bangs?" she asked off-handedly, finding herself almost expecting a yes by the way things had been going. "It must be something pretty special to snag two nomads, I'd imagine," she mused. "I just might have to check it out sometime." It was a statement loaded with more than Laurel could have understood, particularly on the strange lure of whim and intrigue she was coasting on, and would ride out to those lands.


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