Beauty in all she is

`` D I S T U R B I A
nothing heard, nothing said, can’t even speak about it; on my life, on my head, don’t wanna think about it

Word count: 304 // +3 points
Eww.. Short and ugly x.x I think my muse died after doing all my replies today xD Sorry, James..

As Alduin neared the trees, his ears were filled with a threatening shout; although, the owner seemed more frightened than anything. His head cocked to the side curiously as he slowed his pace, not wanting to scare anyone—or their stories—away. So he walked now, despite getting soaked to the bone by the pounding rain. He learned quickly that his eyes were of no use to him in the current state of things, but his nose had been clever enough to pick up on the scent of meat nearby. His stomach rumbled as it urged him to find it, but he did his best to focus on finding the shouting creature first. He chuckled lightly to himself as he realized how much of a mess his priorities were in.

Hello?” he called as he finally reached the shelter of the trees. “Is anyone out there? I am terribly sorry if I startled you!

He gave a good shake of his secui form when he managed to find a dry spot in the forest, riding his body of the heaviness of the water that had bombarded him not long ago. He had lost the scent of the meat now, but instead found what smelled like another of his kind. The discovery brought a smile to his lips and a wag to his tail. He thought himself fortunate, and would now stop at nothing to find out who had been clinking and clanking before.

It was not my intention to scare you,” he stated regretfully as he walked slowly toward the direction of the stranger. “Please, do come forward. I am very much interested in however much of your story you are willing to tell.

He continued on, placing his nose to the ground in the hopes that he would soon find the nervous creature.

release me from this curse i’m in; trying to maintain, but i’m struggling. put on your pretty lies, you’re in the city of wonder

template by revo. <3


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