Good Morning
She had something for them to eat? Hadley followed her, surprised when she opened a cabinet to reveal a very fat rabbit. The creature appeared terrified, trapped in the small cage. He felt sorry for it, the smell making him hungry to eat it at the same time. He watched Isa grab a dagger, managing not to flinch in sympathy as she turned around. That's pretty smart. He would never have thought of doing such a thing, killing the rabbit and having the meat on the morrow, instead of being clever and keeping the rabbit trapped so it would still be fresh.

The rabbit died swiftly, the stench of blood coming through the air. She was fast dividing it up, Hadley coming over to watch her slice it up. I'm fine with it raw. He didn't really have a preference, liking the taste of both. When he was really hungry raw was preferred as it satisfied that primal part of him that yearned for blood. Taking a chunk Hadley popped it into his mouth, chewing on it happily before gulping it down. Good rabbit. Very tasty. She had done well catching such a fat one.

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