The Lykoi lady turned her eyes away from her leader for a moment as she listened to the words of the other. She knew damn well that what had happened in the heart of their lands had been a strike. She had seen the wolves taunt and tease at the border. She had run off the youthful intruders before as well as fix the damage they had done to the warning skulls along the lands. The tiny woman was not a fool, though she did not understand why they came.. she understood that there had to be a reason and that this could not be the last of them.

Her stormy lilac eyes slowly turned back to Vesper as she spoke. "They came right into the heart of the clan territories. They had almost made it to the doors of the mansion.. What are we to do..." Their numbers were strong, she knew that, but their territory was vast as well. There was only so many that could be patrolling at once and there were other chores to be done inside and outside the lands as well. A shiver etched down her spine at the idea of them being so unprotected. She didn't believe for a moment that the clan wouldn't fight, but it had been a long while since anything had tried to test their borders and the feeling was a bitter taste in her maw.

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