Listen my child you say to me
Aranck watched her as she explained that she didn’t remember a whole lot. So he came up with an idea. ”Well then, my dear, how about I teach you the language? Since it is my mother tongue and my profession in the teaching tier?” He then decided that he wouldn’t give it to her for free. ”Though I’ll need something in return. My old bones and joints are stiff and sore but don’t know the plants in the area. So I’ll teach you AniWaya in exchange for herbal knowledge.” That should be a fair trade: knowledge for knowledge.

It seemed that Maska was not popular in AniWaya and he couldn’t blame them for hating the man. He disliked him as well but he didn’t have the slug as usurper of their beloved leader. Aranck rather liked Dawali Amara and the rest of the Amara family. But Luma was grateful that he changed topics and answered her questions, eventually joining him his musings on how distance affected the two packs.

Then she talked about how there wasn’t really anyone to explain the history or the spirituality of AniWaya, and by extension the Great Tribe. He nodded thoughtfully and stroked his chin. ”What in particular would you like to know?” He thought about asking for something in exchange but couldn’t think of anything else he wanted or needed. So the cultural/history/religious lesson would be included with the language lesson.

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