she on the rocks sighed every day
do you believe

in the day that you were born?

tell me, do you believe?

Word Count → 231 :: We don't haaave to. They could do something completely unrelated for a while, like what Pia suggests. xD But it's up to you/Toby! (Also, I'm not ignoring your PM about the drawing, but I haven't been able to decide on how I wanna do it yet.)

Her compliment worked as intended, lighting up those soft, dark depths of his eyes and turning his lips up slightly at the corners. Others might have been more cynical about her words, but his reply sounded more like a modest dismissal than a protest. She grinned knowingly, her dark ears falling coyly against her hair as her fingers came up to toy with her braid. It wasn’t just her being nice, really; he did look good, and sweet. His was the type of face improved by smiles, though, and if he were to scowl at her, she could see how he might look scary—with his black fur, reddish mane, tattoos and scars galore.

Her shy little smile vanished when he explained that he didn’t want to ruin her day, and she snorted at him. “Well, I won’t keep you…” she murmured, and glanced across at the city. “I thought we could just, y’know, run around and look in the buildings for treasures. Or maybe play in the waves! Or something. I like Poppy, but she’s not a luperci, and…” She was still a little lonely, but she didn’t want to say this out loud. Guilt tripping someone only worked for some situations, and all she wanted to do was keep him from lying to himself if he really wanted to stay. Bright brown eyes looked almost pleadingly up at him.

Pia Optime by Me; table code from the Mentors!

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