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OCC: I would like Sam to post after me then there is no posting order. Npc charries: I play Lux Marks, Rain's daughter who is about one now and Sam plays Quintus Jarret Also one. They are adopted. PM me if you need any more information. Also Rain has a Stallion named Reno. All black Percheron or draft horse

He had yet to trade anything he had brought back from the states. He didn't want his family without a pack and as the lead male figure in the family it was his right to make sure they were safe. He could protect them but after Sam's run in with Amy again he wanted to make sure that nothing ever happened to her or his children again. He had packed them up late at night and left the beach, Lux and Quinn were on Reno, who was loaded down with his treasures from the states.

He was determined to find them a pack and followed the beach in hopes of finding one. By midmorning he had spotted pawprints from other wolves and a trial leading away from the water. He found territory markers not far from the beach and howled his presence. He had woken Lux up and he watched as the girl smiled and reached for him to help her down. She was still awkward in her optime form but she was getting better and she stood next to him, her tail wagging softly. "Where are we daddy? Is this to be our new home?" she asked softly, clutching his arm. He looked down at her and smiled. "I hope so baby girl, I hope so," he said as he waited for someone to come

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