Pay Attention
It's simple, really. In the future, I'll find you, and ask you to do something for me. At that time, you will do exactly as I say, fulfilling our bargain, and paying for this. Amy twirled the silver piece in her hands, confident in her actions. The male thought it over, ponderously measuring what she said. Amy could see the rusted gears in his mind slowly begin to turn, working on figuring it out. A clatter from behind interrupted this process however, and Amy whirled around, snarling. Raoth had to interrupt her while dealing with a customer, didn't he? Raoth wasn't the culprit though, the slave quickly disappearing back behind the wagon where he was supposed to be when a pot broke.

Amy's eyes widened, spotting a small shape fleeing across the land, probably responsible for wrecking her stuff. A thief as well, if his attempts at remaining hidden were any indication. Roaring Amy quickly tore off her clothes. Running she surged forward, shifting into secui form. Her mane shortened and thickened, a protective ruff around the back of her neck, falling onto all fours as her limbs shortened and changed. She stumbled slightly, a little off kilter from the change in balance, but quickly regained it. She followed the scent of the one who had dared such a thing. When she caught up she would rip him limb from limb. His tail flicked ahead, powerful muscles slowly shortening the distance between them.

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