M-Kidnap Magnet
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Let the gazooka away!

Pack lands. They were great for finding free meals. Sure, he got chased off it pretty quick, but usually not until he had found a kill the pack had brought down, letting him grab a couple tasty morsels off it before moving on. He had found himself in a huge, wonderful land, full of packs. Even better, he'd found a pack where the borders weren't very strong. There would still be food, but the chances of him getting caught and chased off right away were far smaller. The rain pounded down, soaking through his thin coat. Shivering the brown male wrapped his arms tight around his body, wishing that he wasn't so hungry. Meandering around he paused, hearing a strange noise.

It sounded a bit like a cat. No, like a rabbit being killed. No, that wasn't right either. Unable to determine what the sound was, he followed it along to a small hole in the ground. A small muddy thing was there, making the noise nonstop. Reaching in he plucked up the creature, utterly confused. What was this? Turning the pup around in his hands eventually it ended up upside down, held by it's tail. The squalling only grew louder, to his utter confusion. Turning it around again he stared at the hole the noise was coming out of. Shaking it the coyote stared, trying to figure out what made it work.

It must be the hole. Grinning he proceeded to stick his hand in there, only to feel small sharp things dig in. Yelping he drew back, dropping the strange thing he'd found. Sucking on his hand he frowned, thinking about killing the thing that had hurt him. It hadn't shut up either, still making that funny noise. His eyes bulged as it began to move around, tiny little legs tumbling about. That was funny! Laughing he bent down, scooping up the creature again. He walked back out of the territory with the new toy. It was very funny. He'd keep it.

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