broken bottles form a star

321 → I think I'll date this for the 17th or something. To Amhersttt.

The world outside of Salsola was a strange place indeed. Before her visit to Ichika and her rendezvous with the strange foreigner in Drifter Bay, she hadn't considered the possibility that everyone wasn't like them, covert and sneaky. Now she was beginning to think that they were the odd ones out, the strangest folk in the North. Aside from Inferni, she mentally corrected herself. They were a bit weird, and her mother disliked them for some reason unknown to her. Eris was a fickle woman, except where her children were concerned. She had an abundance of love for them.

Since hearing of the human construction to the north of her homeland, Salsola's heartland, she'd been eager to go see what wonders lay within it, but hadn't yet plucked the courage to go. Seeing the man in the mask, what he called his μάσκα, had begun to turn the cogs in her mind. Returning home had been a depressing venture, back to the bleakness of her own life where Larkspur was dead, where her mother was grieving, where life continued on despite it all. Using a scrap of cloth and some of the mid-grade whale oil from the stores as well as a large stick, she'd shimmied together a torch and lit it before stumbling off into the dawn toward where she thought the Grecian might be. If he hadn't moved from his location, she was making a beeline for him, but if he had, it was likely she'd miss her mark.

Passing the firelight over the path in front of her only when the safety of home was gone, she found the field, but could only make out vague shapes in the dark. That, and the fire knocked out her nighttime vision. After fumbling around in the dark for some time, the Eternity youth nearly gave up. Thanos, She hissed his name into the dark with the hope that he was awake.

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