[aw] if you want to feel alive

(--) NBD broskies, and I belieeeeve so! Siv kept her hidden away when the elky thing went down, yuh? I think Draugr knows, though, and will want to refer to him as daddy Reykr at some point? <_< Perhaps he can have a heartattack! moment out of that. IDK, will have to double check with Mel as to what Dra knows. @_@! This posty be open-ended for that end; in either case, it's not hard for Rey to make some assumptions. >;3

Draugr is by me!

Whatever was missing was not readily apparent to the drab-hued youth. The innards were comfortable to Draugr, and she couldn't wait to live here, but -- still, the outside left something to be desired. The broken wall was opened up to the world; perhaps it would not provide good enough insulation for the horse she someday planned to own? Dra did not know the first thing of horsemanship nor the temperatures they were capable of tolerating. Perhaps she'd need Gjalda to add another wall.

The wolfdog was still thinking when the noises of an approach drew her attention, and she watched a hulking Secui figure followed by the strangest companion she'd ever seen. The Bambino gaped at the elk a moment, pale purple eyes following its progress as it and the wolf -- wolfdog, she could see more clearly, made his way toward her. She smelled him, and thought she recognized it. Mama Siv smelled like him, once, the youth thought. And -- she needed no more inconclusive evidence, his name. Daddy Reykr, she thought, gawking at him. He did not seem to know her -- and why should he? They had never met, and mama Siv had kept her carefully hidden from the world for so long -- she could only gape a moment before it registered that he had asked her a question.

Draugr, she said, quietly. Draugr Helsi.

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