A Walk On The Beach
Alexander Valli had happened onto the area and to his dismay there was no one to trick or play with. He had been going from pack to pack and running into Wolves and Coyotes all over the place and yet here he was now by a beautiful beach by himself and at night and no one there to keep him company. He looked to the reflection of the calm water in front of him as he sang lightly more to himself than anyone or anything. lonely soul come to stare at a wonderland so bare, deep depths and bright seas seem to be the way I fare. I'm alone and I'm so sad, yet i smile and fake a laugh. Soon oh soon I shall see the one who will, life me up and being me tears, Of joy. He stopped as he thought about writing that one down and he kept humming beautiful to himself as he smiled and looked to the moon high in the sky and he stood there straight up and in Optime form as his tail swayed without a care behind him.

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