Chase the Morning
WC:: 349 OOC:: Still working on getting my muse back... Sad I'm sure I will find it again.


Mido told the Abigor about his thought process, if they’d split up technically they should be able to cover more ground more quickly. He watched the snow white male’s expression as he awaited a response. To the Dasa it sounded like Octavius agreed with the idea. Speaking up the young man asked if he was looking for anything. Anything we can use as a weapon, anything dangerous, knives, you can never have too many knives. He answered the boy’s question with a bug smile. The older male had a good sized weapon collection, but he figured that Anathema as a whole could use as much as they could put their hands on. Alright then, if I see anything I think will interest you all drop it off here.

As quickly as the two had formulated a plan the boy was off getting into one of the trailers. Moving in the opposite direction the male attempted to enter the front door of the single wide nearest him. No matter how hard he pushed and shoved it seemed he couldn’t get in. Going around the side of the semi rickety structure he found himself a half open window he could get through if he opened it more. Pushing it open all the way he quickly scrambled inside. To his left was a tiny bathroom, barely big enough to move around in. Walking down the hall, he entered the living room near the front door he tried to come through. It was no wonder he was incapable of opening it, a massive bureau had been pushed in front of it. Mido quickly ransacked the mobile home, taking whatever he found interesting. The Dasa dumped off the only things he took from trailer one into the pile the boy had started. The male grabbed a metal bat that he broke a door with trying to figure it out, a small tool set and fly tying kit for Octa. Turning away from the growing collection of stuff he made a dash for the next trailer, hoping he would have better luck with the rest.


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