if all you knew had gone awry
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Asanotohl giggled at the recollection of a not-so-fond memory. The word “horse” drew together a vague picture for her, something very tall and fast; a hefty creature of just about as many colors as wolves. Asa smiled, figuring that she’d have to see one again one day… should that day ever come. Ya know, I’d like to see a horse. I think I can remember them… but, she shrugged as if to finalize her point. Her green and purple eyes followed Laurel as he moved away to rummage within a large bin of supplies. Her gaze wandered to the other housing facilities, wondering vaguely if any of their tenants were around.

She drew her eyes back to the clothed coyote and frowned a little. I can’t be sure of what I’m good at… she murmured, shuffling her feet slightly. She felt pretty useless by this point, and found that this feeling wasn’t something she exactly condoned. But I’m willing to do anything you put me up for… I’m not afraid to learn. A small plea for her rather useless case. Her tail wagged slowly back and forth as her arms crossed against her chest and her hands gingerly grasped her shoulders.

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