Even Heroes Fall
The images played in his head over and over again, pools of blood and body pieces strewn about, Lucifer and Kansas dead on the floor. He could have ripped them to shreds. He wanted to, but what good would it have done? Wasn't the real cause of his pain Naniko? Wasn't it she who had sworn to love him always? She who had thrown that away because of a few drinks? How could she? Had he not given her everything that he possibly could? He still didn't know the answers, still didn't understand why, and it was slowly eating away at his head and his heart. He could barely look at any of them, think of any of them without the thought of what had happened plaguing him.

His anger was misplaced, he realized, as he pulled himself up off the stairs, where he had collapsed just after taking a part of his rage out on Lucifer. Hitting him hadn't made any of it better because it was Naniko that had betrayed his heart. "Naniko?" He shouted suddenly, his voice rough and angry, scrambling up the stairs in a fit of rage. He would find her and show her how much she had hurt him.


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