pay no mind to the rabble

Ithiel is by Raze!

Though his body ached and he was not fully healed, the dusky coyote was determined to set out on this scouting expedition. It was, after all, his specialty, and some part of him burned to find these wolves and exterminate them. They had threatened him and his ilk, and his oath bade him protect this clan. Lystra moved beneath him, her injury healed enough to permit riding, and even she seemed eager. Perhaps that was just the corral and the stable; she probably had extra energy to expend.

The dust-furred hybrid was armed, arrows and dagger, but more prominently, on the rear of his saddle, Zedekiah rode. The bird hunkered against him, grumbling unintelligible complaints -- presumably about the pace of the ride -- all the while. As they neared the edge of the clan's stake, the hybrid sighted a pale form and a tawny one, and directed his mount toward them, bringing her to a slower pace as they neared. He paid no mind to the trickster Col and nodded a hello to Max, half-turning in his saddle to offer Zedekiah the perch of his arm, which the bird took eagerly.

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