Sailing for Adventure

The sea was in the air, the salt crisp on the wind. The woman was at home here, the water, the beaches, the vessels. She had to lie, connive and steal her way onto these shores but you must do something to survive, right? Inhaling deeply, the scents of the day carried on the light breeze and rustled the fur around her face, providing her with information with what was in the area. Her monochrome figure stood alone and silent on the sands, something that she preferred. However, the information had spoken to her, telling her otherwise. As much as she might wish it, Ksen was not alone. Not along these waters at least. Earlier in the morn she had crossed over stale, weak borders and it seemed a new pack was bubbling forth from the depths of this territory. So much for new wandering grounds.

Sand settled between her toes as she walked, her see-through white blouse whipping about her body due to the breeze that had picked up, the new and strange scents growing stronger as she approached them. Her clothing was simple, though as fashionable as a luperci could get. Her preference was a sheer-white blouse with a hot pink bandeu covering her chest, so even though that you could see her figure through the shirt she was still somewhat covered. The pants she wore were simple, beige cargo material shorts that were longer but were still considered ' short. ' She also wore a thick utility belt that wasn't visible, covered by her shirt.

After a good ten minutes of trudging up the beach, she rounded a foilage-covered corner and observed a good gathering of canines, some dogs, some hybrids, and some purebreds. Her woodsmoke ears perked forward as she listened to the speech, it floating on the wind to her. Hmm, a pack eh? Her mystic blue eyes flitted to the shipwreck, surprised by it's size. What a pity it had come to ruin, it would have been a magnificent vessel to sail on, even more magnificent to sail herself, directing the ship. Ksen had sailing experience, and if they were making a pack that centered around sailing and the sea, well it looked as if they were a perfect match.

The monochrome woman confidently approached the rag-tag group, most of them looking pirates in part. Her gaze focused on the one who looked the most annoyed, he had dominance emanating from him and she knew him to be the leader. The woman walked up to him, but far enough away that she wasn't in his space or intruding. Her silvery hair, grown out and shaggy, tousled in the wind as she focused her blue eyes on him. Pointing to the wrecked ship with a clawed finger, she continued. " Vas thees your ship? She looked as if she vas a beauty. " Came her words, laced with the thick, rolling russian accent. There was a man standing next to the dominant one, and she smiled at him uncertainly.

" Do any of these volves know how to sail? She asked the pale jackal-hybrid, eyes focused on him now. He was less intimidating then the dark man who stood beside him, and he looked somewhat disconnected from this whole ordeal.


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