i go where the s[p]irits carry me
OOC: lol its ok :3

He was in the mouth of the den, seeing the meat that there was that was showing in the light. He looked to the female as she made herself comfortable near the opening of the den. Since she was offering the meat, he did well not to offend her by denying her offer. He took some meat and slowly ate some. He didn't want her to feel like he was shunning her offer.

He sat next to her, chewing at the meat in a modest manner, not to look like he was being piggy. He actually rather enjoyed the taste of the meat, tasting sweet and sup to his tongue. He also took time to take in the scent of the meat that was left in the den, savoring the scent that he had missed from so long ago. The meat he had during his journey was different from this kind.

"Mmm, this is rather tasty. Thank you, X'yrin," he complimented after he finished his first piece then took another piece into his mouth, chewing on that.

He looked down to the other pieces of meat he had in his hand, he offered it to the female, in case she was hungry too. He swallowed the second piece and asked, "Hungry?"

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