god bless the broken road
imagine a world where no music was playing,
and think of a church with nobody praying. have you ever looked up at a sky with no blue? then you've seen a picture of me without you.

Wayne grinned and patted the mare’s neck as he waited at the edge of the fort for Dixie-May to come. He had been dying for this trip ever since it was brought up, whether by her or the dreams he’d had. Admittedly, he’d been a bit disappointed when the female had mentioned they could find the livestock they needed within the expansive territory of Casa di Cavalieri; he had been looking forward to putting miles between them and the pack, the better to spend time with her uninterrupted.

But this is just part of your duty to the pack, the cowboy thought despite trying to keep a good mood. He shook his head and forced himself to be more optimistic. As long as it makes Dixie happy, it’s all right. As long as we can spend time together, and as long as I can ask the question…

Humans had rings to give to each other, but the mongrel had only a salvaged locket necklace. The chain was silver leaf, the locket shaped like a heart, the picture within faded beyond recognition. He wished he had the dexterity to set something new within that heart, but it was too tiny for him to bother. He hoped that the symbolism of the thing outweighed its simplicity.

The necklace was tucked safely away in one of the saddlebags, however. Fern had mass enough to carry quite a few, and many supplies were packed: canteens for water and bandages in case stuff went wrong, a few knives and some strips of salted meat in case they didn’t have time to hunt. Looped and hanging off the saddle horn was plenty of rope to complete their job.

Running his callused fingers gently through Fern’s flaxen mane, Wayne glanced back over his shoulder and waited for the snowy wolfdog.

lemme know if i need to change anything

table by raze; pattern by dinpattern

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