we were free like water
The hybrid was very calm in accepting Adelle's words. Much calmer than she would have been if she'd been knocked out of a tree by surprise. The words were spoken very prettily, smooth in nature, Alyssum, It was a nice name. Her tail wagged at the apology, happy to have Alyssum out of the tree so that she could get down. As much as Adelle liked climbing trees, her weight was too much for the higher branches, and she liked running around on the ground. It was time for her to come down and start heading back to Casa before Grandpa began worrying. She wasn't too sure why Alyssum was sleeping in a tree, figuring she'd ask her after she followed her out.

Adelle came down more clumsily, deft muscles letting her move through, but not without a fair amount of noise. She dropped down heavily, grinning over at the new Casa member. A beautiful mare came out, Adelle's tail swishing. That's a nice horse. Not the best speech, but for someone who had english as a second language it flowed fairly well. Adelle giggled at the bird's speech, agreeing with the bird. It certainly seemed that Adelle had been terrifying for Aly, as the bird dubbed her. Adelle decided that she liked her own nickname, tail swaying a little. I was scouting for enemies. Wisely she decided to leave out the part where she was pretending to be leading the pack to victory against hoards of enemies. Why are you sleeping in a tree? Why not in the fort?

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