Once more, for old time's sake
[html] Sounds good to me ^_^

The rabbit had taken scarcely ten minutes to consume, and it would have probably taken less time had she not taken such care to keep her clothes clean. The only traces of blood lingered on her fingers and a little on her chin, which she quickly cleaned with a rag she had tucked in her quiver. Her cinnamon coat now devoid of any of the crimson liquid, Cassia rose from her seat against one of the many old apple trees, her deft hands brushing any clinging debris from her skirt. Sea green gaze paused to scan the current row she stood in for a moment, allowing a light sigh to escape her lips. She had somehow thought this trip to the lands of Crimson Dreams would be a bit more eventful. It had not been her intention to do anything in particular, and as before she still was unsure what within her had stirred her to make this trip in the first place. It was foolish to be disappointed over a trip with an unknown goal. So, as she turned to exit, the Calidus girl did her best to push any lingering dissatisfaction from her mind.

With gentle padfalls the female began making her way toward the corner of the orchard she had entered from, planning to take the same path back to Berwick as she had taken from it. However as she passed another couple of rows, her observant gaze found the slight form of another luperci, obviously a woman like herself, gathering things from the orchard. Who was this stranger, and why was she collecting things from this place? Cassia did not recognize her as an old Crimson Dreams member, not that she claimed to have known all of the members at the time of the pack's disbandment. What possibly drove this individual to gather from a flowering orchard. To her knowledge, an orchard out of season bore nothing of any great use save for the game that called the grove home. Turning down the row, Cassia took a few steps towards the stranger, her left palm resting on her sword out of habit. "Excuse me, might I inquire what you are doing? I mean no disrespect but I cannot understand what you could be collecting from the grounds in this season." Her tone bore a formality unnecessary in these lands. She had yet to meet an individual who did not immediately begin in casual discourse. That seemed to be the nature of many in these lands, and Cassia had already begun to adopt the less strenuous manner of speaking. However, her grounded upbringing in the behaviors of so-called 'higher' society left her occasionally reverting to the mannerisms of her late father's court as she had now. Hopefully this cocoa colored female would not think her too odd.[/html]

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