M-Be Mine, Stake Your Claim
Kit slowly moved against Terra, pushing what he considered his lover, toward the nearby tree, and felt a rush as she was finally braced against the tree. Her nudges, nips, whining, and even her playful growls were driving Kit wild with desire. "I'm going to lift you up a little Terra, wrap your legs around me when I do..." Kit spoke with an unusual firmness that was brought on by Terra's scent, tempered by lust, and the way Kit moved the tip of his muzzle to Terra's in an attempt to plant an affectionate kiss. Afterwards, he pulled away to add "I love you Terra, tell me if I go to fast... or not fast enough." a hint of mischief crept into the male's voice at his last words, but without further words, began what was on his mind.

Their closeness had already started to make his body react, Kit's length all but escaped from it's furry sheathe by the time his hands moved downward to begin lifting Terra's legs up. It was Kit's plan to support Terra as best he could by placing his hands on her rump, while awkwardly lowering her down onto his erect self. Instinct caused his hips to buck softly every time he felt fur against his sensitive organ, and didn't plan to stop until he finally felt the ecstasy of sheathing himself inside of his Terra, a content growl rumbling from his chest the moment he felt his success. Kit imagined he was going to be tired after holding Terra for so long, and the exertion that normally went along with sex, but he had no doubt that he would probably want Terra a second time as well.

She had been his first, and while Kit had known other females since meeting Terra, she still had a way of instilling powerful feelings of want inside of him. It still confused him to realize how badly he wanted Terra, even without the strange scent that spurred him to be even more ravenous for her.

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